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Grupo Médica Sur:

Mayo Clinic Care Network

After a rigorous review process Médica Sur has become the first international member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network. As a member, Médica Sur will offers medical services that enable physicians to interact, share and collaborate with Mayo Clinic physicians to continue offering patients the best possible medical treatment in Mexico.

"The connection between Médica Sur and Mayo Clinic Care Network coincides with a shared culture by both institutions to provide the best possible care to patients," "Through this collaboration, patients benefit from tools that allow their doctors in Mexico to consult with colleagues at Mayo Clinic."

Médica Sur is the first hospital member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network outside of the U.S. This proves Médica’s commitment to the well-being of our patients and our support of our health care providers. In this way, we can assure those who require our health care services that they will receive the best care available in the country,"

The Mayo Clinic Care Network extends Mayo Clinic's knowledge and expertise to physicians and providers interested in working together in the best interest of their patients. Médica Sur physicians will now be able to connect directly with Mayo Clinic specialists on questions of patient care using an electronic consulting technique called eConsults. Médica Sur physicians also have access to the latest Mayo-vetted medical information through Ask Mayo Expert, an online database developed and used by Mayo Clinic physicians. These tools, in addition to health care consulting, help Médica Sur continue to provide the best care for its patients.

Médica Sur Becomes Mayo Clinic Care Network Member, Tuesday, May 14, 2013